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Overnight Camps
Camp Koala has been hosting overnight camps since 2009 for youth who have lost someone to death. We typically offer two overnight camps per year, during the spring and fall. Campers enjoy two nights at a Camp located in Union County, PA, packed with thoughtful activities and tons of recreational play like fishing, boating, archery and more!
Each Camper is paired with a caring Big Buddy volunteer for the entire weekend. Our volunteer staff range from nurses, social workers, artists, musicians, dancers and movement therapists, police officers, teachers, others who have also lost someone. We also have a pet therapy team on site, and these wonderful dogs and their handlers stay with the campers all weekend.
Camp is not a sad place, but a place of healing and memory making. We'd love to have your child join us!

Campers' Packing List
Make sure your camper has everything they need to enjoy a fun, safe, and comfortable weekend overnight camp, using our handy recommended packing list below! Questions? Email for more information and/or guidance. Click here to download a printable list.
Twin sheets
Sleeping bag and/or blanket (it can get very cold at night, so extras never hurt!)
Pillow and pillowcase(s)
Towel, wash cloth
Shower shoes/flip flops (not allowed outside of cabin/bathhouse)
Proper footwear (sneakers or hiking sandals only - flip flops or other types of shoes are not allowed outside of cabin)
Extra shoes (sneakers or hiking sandals - nobody likes wet shoes!)
Rain gear (i.e. rain coat, rain boots, etc.)
Sweatshirt and/or jacket
2 shirts, including one long-sleeved (we provide Camp Koala t-shirts)
2 pairs of shorts
1 pair of long pants
4 pairs of socks
3 pairs of underwear
1-2 pairs of pajamas and/or sweat-suit
Toothbrush, toothpaste
Deodorant (unscented is best)
Soap/liquid body wash (unscented is best)
Shampoo, conditioner (unscented or lightly scented is best)
Bug repellant
Bathroom transport bag, for transporting toiletries back & forth to the bathhouse
Large (gallon-sized) zip lock baggie for wet items
Flashlight with fresh batteries
Picture of deceased loved ones(s) for craft project (photocopies don't work well with Mod Podge)
Please note that these items are prohibited from camp: cell phones, any electronics, money, items such as video games, radios of any kind, and any other valuables. Camp Koala will not be responsible for these items. If any of these items are brought to camp, they will be kept in the staff cabin until the conclusion of camp. Also, please do not bring any kind of candy, gum or food to camp, as these attract insects and animals. All food and snacks will be provided to campers at no cost.